Your weekly roundup of insights and tips from The Life Delicious’ 5 wellness pillars:
The Life Delicious helps you create feel-good brain chemistry and hardwire healthy habits – by shifting the way you think, move, eat, sleep and connect – so you can lead a pleasurable and productive life.
MINDSET >>> Toddler determination is so inspiring!! There is only persistence until success, with no understanding of failure. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
Last week, for the first time, Bronwyn walked out of our condo on her own two feet! She went down the hall, into the elevator, out of the building, down the street to pick up lunch, and all the way home again, without holding my hand once! One day she was crawling everywhere – taking a few wobbly steps here and there – and the next day nothing but bipedalism. GO GIRL!!⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
Last month, Mr. Barr and I were having a similar conversation about persistence until success. If you knew that all you had to do was put in the work and you’d succeed, what would you do? What could you do?⠀⠀
When you combine the #ChallengeMindset, #CuriosityMindset and #GrowthMindset – 3 of #TheLifeDelicious’ 7 mindset shifts – it’s truly incredible what you can achieve. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
For the last 15 years we’ve been keeping a DREAM BOOK. Every NYE we fill a page of the book, alternating lines, with our dreams for the year ahead. This past NYE we read through more than a dozen entries and were blown away by how many dreams had been realized – which has given us even more determination and fuel to persist in 2019.
MOVEMENT >>> Bronwyn’s @ospreypacks #childcarrier was such an amazing gift, thank you Grandma & Grandpa Roscoe!! We have been on so many awesome nature adventures with it (here we are in Chilliwack earlier this month) plus I use it around town to do errands, doing squats during red lights! ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
Because “exercise” time is so much more limited as a new parent, I am trying to fit in movement wherever, whenever I can, and when I can make life more physically challenging (like carrying around a 25lb toddler and filling her carrier’s storage compartment with groceries and dog food), I do!
CONNECTION >>> Self-care = Relationship-care! When you fill your battery, it charges all your relationships with positive energy. Whether it’s your lover, BFF or sister, grab a partner to take advantage of our awesome double occupancy deal at the @OakBayBeachHotel Wellness Weekend, February 1-3, 2019!
PHOTO by Tegan in Victoria for @Flytographer.
We’re so excited Flytographer will be onsite to capture beautiful photos of participants at our retreat! There’s science behind seeing yourself in a positive light: having beautiful photos of transformative experiences can boost your self-trust, self-image and intrinsic motivation.
@Flytographer – created by #TLDalumni Nicole Smith! – is an online marketplace that connects travellers with local photographers in 250 cities worldwide for fun, candid photoshoots. An "Ingenious Travel Hack" says! "The Future of Travel Photography" says Conde Nast Traveler!
NUTRITION >>> So true! It’s got to be right for YOU! Gather all the practical, research-based advice you can, then make it yours.
@DesireeNielsenRD’s book, Un-Junk Your Diet: How to Shop, Cook, and Eat to Fight Inflammation and Feel Better Forever, is full of such advice!
>>> Learn how to create menu plans and get your nervous system ready to support optimal absorption and elimination (glamorous, I know!) at the @OakBayBeachHotel Wellness Weekend, Feb 1-3, 2019!
I will walk you through The Life Delicious’ complete curriculum, so you can support yourself by creating healthy habits across 5 pillars of wellness: Mindset, Movement, Nutrition, Sleep, and Connection.
SLEEP >>> Mr. Barr says I need a lantern to go with my new flannel nightgown and calls me “Catherine with an E” 🤣
I agree that it’s very old fashioned and very not sexy but it’s so cozy and gets me into an old-fashioned mindset when I’m winding down at night: dim lights, device-free, connecting with my people (and dog) eye-to-eye, reflecting on my day and setting intentions for the next one.
Plus, it unbuttons to my navel so it’s perfect for nursing little B, and it has pockets! SO GOOD.